Nikola Tesla Research Paper

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Nikola Tesla was born in a part of Austro-Hungarian Empire, which is now Smiljan, Croatia. In 1884, he moved to the United States of America, and started to work for Thomas Edison. The Continental Edison Company had some problems, so They offered Tesla $50,000 if he solved the problems. However, when Nikola found a solution he was told that it was just a joke. He decided to quit after 6 months. He worked as a ditch digger where he was paid two dollars a day, which amounts to $47.06 daily, which is $5.88 per hour wage for an eight hour day. While working as a ditch digger he felt as if his intelligence was going to waste. In 1887, Tesla built is first lab. After, he was approached by Westinghouse Company, which was owned by George Westinghouse …show more content…

The first was a little after he was hired by Thomas Edison. Thomas told Nikola, that if he solved some problems that the country had then Edison would pay Tesla 50 thousand dollars. However, Tesla never saw that money, but instead Edison said that he does not understand American jokes. Then, in 1887 Tesla sold his patents to George Westinghouse, which would of been be able to be sold for a higher price if he kept a hold of them. A fire then started in his lab in 1895, destroying all his important prototypes and blueprints. Because of the fire, Nikola had to build another lab, this time it was in Colorado Springs, but this lab took so much power it caused a power outage in the area. Then, in 1895, when Tesla was demonstrating his wireless controller, many watchers claimed that it must have been a joke or a trick of some kind. Tesla’s lab was getting too small for his projects so he asked Guglielmo Macroni to help pay for the new lab, but soon after Macroni withdrawn funding, stopping the project forever. In 1909, Macroni won a nobel prize for creating the first radio, however, it was originally Tesla’s idea, which is what Nikola sewed Guglielmo for. Alas Tesla lost the case, meaning Macroni was free to do what he wanted with the patent. Then, at the nearing end of Tesla’s life, Nikola was penniless; He was forced to move from place to place leaving unpaid bills behind

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