Nikolas Kozloff's No Rain In The Amazon

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The writer of the novel No Rain in the Amazon, Nikolas Kozloff, discusses how the global climate change greatly affects the Global South, countries such as Brazil and Peru, and indirectly affects the Global North, countries like the USA and Canada. Kozloff delves into problems individually through each chapter and relates these problems back to the fact that the Global North is indifferent to the problem because it does not directly affect them. In the introduction, Kozloff states that “the media is paying more attention to the phenomenon and the public is becoming more informed,” (1). Also Kozloff introduces that throughout his novel he “criticizes the Global North for ignoring climate change,” (4). Chapter one discusses the Global South’s growing frustration with the lack of action from the Global North. The …show more content…

This chapter also discusses funding for the Global South against the changing climate, including the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and other NGOs. Chapter seven discusses the complications with trying to put clean energy systems; dams, solar energy, etc. into the jungle because of the industrious changes that would be needed for the land. At the same time, trying to go against these new clean energy sources can be dangerous because it can get you killed by not the environment but the people who own the business. When it comes to clean energy, the politics are more dangerous than the environment changing. Kozloff states in the epilogue “as climate change intensifies it is spurring tremendous social conflict,” (174). This is related to the agriculture industry because agriculture, and the economy based off of agriculture is one large part of what connects the Global North and South. Due to the changing climate, farmers are affected and so are growing seasons, which affect relations between