Nimr's Argument Analysis

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It is important to read multiple articles on a topic so that you have a complete understanding of the situation and not just a single story. By reading multiple articles one can verify that the story is true. When the articles contain different viewpoints you can ensure that you have a complete viewpoint on the subject. multiple articles may each contain details that can help you gain insight onto what happened. In the case of the recent execution of a Shitte cleric named Nimr al-Nimr, I read multiple articles and here's what I found. If I had read only one article I may not be sure if the story was true. Unless it was a trusted source. But if I read articles about the same topic from multiple sources I might have a better idea if this topic is true. In this case I read different articles from the Huffington Post, National Public Radio and RedState , after reading this I could assume that this topic was true due to the reliability of the source and the variety of sources. …show more content…

I read his sons point of view which was that he didn't believe that his father was a terrorist, and that his father preached non-violence and said "The roar of the word is mightier than the sound of bullets". I also read an Indians point of view, which was pro-Nimr as they were holding signs that said "long live Nimr" and "death to Saudi". Also multiple peaceful protests occurred. I then read a Saudis point of view. Which stated that Nimr repeatedly found himself in the middle of violent protests resulting in the deaths of Saudi citizens and government officials. This article also claimed that Nimr was an agent of the Iranian government operating within Saudi