Nineteen Minutes is a novel depicting the preparation and aftermath of a school shooting. It contains various graphic details of sexuality, violence, and drugs. Books such as Nineteen Minutes are commonly removed from libraries for relating to sensitive topics such as these. Many parents and other adults see these topics as too graphic and mature for young readers. Parents do not want their children to be exposed to serious topics that are in their school libraries, which leads to books being banned. A group of teachers, principals, librarians, and psychologists objected to the sexual references and violence of Nineteen Minutes so they requested it be retained to only high school libraries, requiring a parent's signature to be checked out (NCAC). According to I …show more content…
The mentions of drunken actions and underage drinking are also topics discussed throughout the book. Adults do not want children to be exposed to these types of behaviors when under the influence. Nineteen Minutes focuses on the events of a school shooting. This shooting happened because of the bullying of a child from the peers at his high school. Bullying is a very serious struggle that happens to a lot of children daily. The detailed descriptions of this tragic shooting and the underlying factors that led to it are tremendously eye-opening for children. They highlight the far-reaching consequences of their choices and actions, illustrating how even seemingly small decisions can have significant and sometimes devastating impacts on their lives and the lives of others around them. Some adults do not believe that children should be exposed to this deep thinking and carry the weight of these events with them. The main character in this book is bullied for his genital sizing, sexual orientation, and