Nintendo Research Paper

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There are all of these new game consoles coming out with 1080p graphics, but do you ever stop and wonder how all of these started from? Well, they can all be traced back to their predecessors. The Nintendo Switch, for instance, can be traced back to the NES, or the Playstation 4 pro can be traced back to the Playstation 1. Some of the games for these consoles are still making sequels and remakes today; for instance the Super Mario Bros. franchise or the Crash Bandicoot games. Playstation, Nintendo, and Atari consoles have helped shaped gaming in today’s generation. One console that helped shape gaming was the Atari. Atari first started in 1972. It was named after a move in the Asian game of Go. As in “From Atari (Remember It?), a New Console …show more content…

At first, it had failing results, but once the Super Mario Bros. game was released for the system, it boomed the sales of the system. In “The History of Nintendo Video Games”, it stated, “Nintendo developed their first multi-cartridge gaming system in 1983, the 8-bit Famicom (translates to Family computer), which delivered near-arcade quality games with far more power and memory than any previous console on the market. At first the system released in Japan with failing results, but quickly caught on when Miyamoto produced a game taking his popular Mario Bros. into to a new style of multi-level adventure: Super Mario Bros. The game was such a huge success that Nintendo quickly bundled it with the Famicom system, which drove sales of the console as consumers bought it just to play the game. This also started Nintendo's long history of packaging their most popular games along with their latest game consoles”. Nintendo released the NES in the US by 1985. It soon became the biggest name brand in the business. In the text it stated “Nintendo renamed the Famicom as the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) , and redesigned it to look more like an entertainment center component... In 1985, Nintendo first test marketed the NES in New York, then expanded to the Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco. These initial launches were a success and …show more content…

Although it came out later than the Atari and the Nintendo, but it still impacted gaming. The Playstation first started out as a CD-ROM attachment for the Super Nintendo, the Super Disc, but however, due to many contractual and licensing problems, the Super Disc was never released. Instead, a modified version of it was introduced by Sony in 1991, called the Playstation. In “How PlayStation Works”, it stated “In 1988, Sony entered into an agreement with Nintendo to develop a CD-ROM attachment, known as the Super Disc, for the soon-to-be released Super Nintendo. Due to many contractual and licensing problems, the Super Disc was never released. Instead, a modified version was introduced by Sony in 1991, in a system called the Playstation”. The original Playstation read Super Discs. The CD-ROM format allowed audio, video and computer data to be accessed simultaneously by the processor. In the text it stated “The original Playstation read these Super Discs, special interactive CDs based on technology developed by Sony and Phillips called CD-ROM/XA. This extension of the CD-ROM format allowed audio, video and computer data to be accessed simultaneously by the processor. The Play Station also read audio CDs, and had a cartridge port for accepting Super Nintendo game cartridges. The Play Station was envisioned as the core of a home multimedia center. Sony only manufactured about 200 of them before

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