Nintendo Research Papers

401 Words2 Pages Nintendo is known as the digital mastermind company behind the majority of our childhood’s entertainment, but there is so much to learn about this astounding company! Until you have seen our list of the 15 things you didn’t know about this company, you can hardly call yourself a Nintendo fan. Read on to discover everything there is to know about your favorite video gamers, and stick around for our coming part two article, featuring the top eight things that you didn’t know about Nintendo! Number Fifteen: The Nintendo Name Game It might just sound like a catchy brand name, but the name “Nintendo” actually has a meaning. The term can be translated to Japanese to mean “luck-haven-hall”. Number Fourteen: The Game Company Before the company specialized in digital games, the company that founded Nintendo was originally specialized in the manufacture of playing cards. Even …show more content…

In one short year, it became the best-selling console in all of Japan. Number Twelve: Hitting America Plans for the release of the Famicom involved a deal between Atari and Nintendo to market the product as the “Nintendo Advanced Gaming System”. However, the company had previously worked with one of Atari’s competitors in creating a Donkey Kong arcade game, closing all doors to the opportunity. Number Eleven: The Game Selection When the console finally made its way to America, it was sold as a package deal with the games Duck Hunt and Gyromite. In addition to these games, there was a limited selection of 15 others. However, Super Mario Bros. was yet to be among them. Number Ten: Marketing Geniuses The gaming system wasn’t a huge success in America when first introduced, so the marketing team had to get craft. They came up with a handful of unique and enticing accessory gimmicks, including the Zapper light gun and Robot Operating Buddy. Number Nine: An Exclusive

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