Nita Prose's Narrative Voice To Accept Molly In The Maid

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In The Maid, a mystery novel by Nita Prose, the narrative voice being first person helps us trust Molly, but also makes us skeptical of her. Molly’s peculiar personality shows her genuineness and trust she puts in other people. Without anyone knowing, she calls Giselle and warns her to run away. By seeing Molly’s perspective, you can understand her loyalty to Giselle, and belief in second chances. She “can understand because I live them. I know what it's like to be alone, to be so alone that you make the wrong choices, that out of desperation you trust the wrong people”(Prose 228). Molly puts trust in the wrong people multiple times, but her honesty and trust in other people shows her reliability. Since Molly was arrested she has been treated