No Child Left Behind Act Pros And Cons

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The No Child Left Behind Act was enacted to assist disadvantaged students. It is founded on the principle that setting high standards and establishing measurable goals can improve individual outcomes in education. The Act requires states to develop assessments in basic skills and gives these assessments to all students at select grade levels to receive federal school funding. These test works to increase the quality of education to all children by requiring schools to improve their performance and the quality of instruction. This is done by requiring schools to implement “scientifically based research” practices in the classroom, parental involvement programs, and professional development activities for those students that are not encouraged or expected to attend college (National Education Association, 2013). The federal government has recognized that some counties are falling behind in the area of education. So they have initiated the Race to the Top program. “The Race to the Top fund is a $4 billion grant opportunity …show more content…

Without educated citizens, a society will not evolve and far worse adverse effects will be seen than the ones mentioned earlier. The resulting chaos and dependency creates more labor for social workers and other citizens. Therefore, programs that set the stage for educational advancement like the ones mentioned in this article must continue. Also by re-evaluating and reconstructing ineffective programs currently in place for high school graduation, youths can have a more positive outlook towards the possibility of graduation. If the devices listed above are used correctly, motivation to graduate can be created and graduation rates can increase. Continual intervention on previous high school dropouts and prevention of future high school dropouts will ensure that more teenagers stay off the streets and go to good colleges so they can have a virtuous

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