No Laughing Matter Essay

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"Bullying and Teasing: No Laughing Matter." Web. 6 Jan. 2016. Regrettably, teasing is often part of growing up. But it isn't always as innocent as it seems. Teasing becomes bullying when it is repetitive or when the child is trying to hurt another child. It can be verbal bullying, physical bullying or psychological bullying. According to the article, “Victims of bullying are often shy and tend to be physically weaker than others around them. They may also have low self-esteem and poor social skills, which makes it hard for them to stand up for themselves” (Bullying). The child might be too afraid to stand up for themselves because they see themselves as different. If your child is being bullied, there would be signs, and the child’s schoolwork will likely show it. Grades drop because, instead of …show more content…

The researchers found that people who were bullied continued to suffer psychological affliction after the bullying occurred. They were more likely to be depressed, have a lower cognitive functioning, and find their general health as poor. In addition, those who were bullied had a higher risk of anxiety disorders and/or suicide. Study subjects who had been bullied often attended school for fewer years than someone who wasn’t bullied. Men were more likely to be unemployed, or their earnings were typically lower. At the older stages of life, bullying victims were less likely to be living with someone, or spend time with friends. The article states, “Overall, they felt their quality of life was worse than people who hadn’t been bullied, and those who had been frequent victims were less optimistic that their lives would get better in the future” (Kapaln). The people studied lost hope to succeed in life because someone else convinced them that they couldn’t. This article wasn’t used in the public service announcement because most of the information was

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