Noah’s covenant with God is to highlights the importance of God’s Law and his intention to establish a covenant with all people. Noah’s covenant is the covenant of creation. The covenant with Noah is a renewal of the covenant with Adam. Noah was chosen by God to build an ark, because of all the hatreds and violence, mankind selfishness and fighting that was going on at that time. God told Noah that he was going to cause a great flood that will destroy mankind, Noah was to build a large ship (an ark) so him, his family and livestock were to survive. The ark has to be really big, big enough to fit his family and all the animals in the world. To build such a large ship on dry land surely made Noah an object of derision. According to the Bible, it took Noah 100 years to build the ark. The sign of the covenant is a rainbow and the promise God made between …show more content…
Our heavenly Father has chosen Jesus Christ to be our savior and redeemer. Jesus came down to earth to teach us about The Kingdom of Heaven, about God the Father and that we are all brothers and sisters in his spiritual family. He has sacrifice his own life to save us from our sins. Whoever comes and follow him will have an unending life in heaven. In Mark 7: 31-37 in the story The Healing of a Deaf Man, Jesus left the district of Tyre and went by way of Sidon to the sea of Galilee, in the district of Decapolis. Jesus was brought by the people to go visit a deaf man, he had a speech and begged Jesus to lay his hand on him. Jesus took him off by himself away from the crowd. Jesus put his finger into the man’s ear and looked up to heaven then he groaned and said, “Ephphatha!” that means “ Be opened!” (Mark 7:34). The man’s ears opened. Jesus ordered them not to tell anyone but they did not listen, instead they went to proclaimed it. They were exceedingly astonished and they said, “ He has done all things well. He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” (Mark