
Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech By Ellie Wiesel

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Every 1 out of 3 Jewish people die, that is 6 million Jews. This all happened in the which was a genocide of european jews between 1941 and 1945. In Ellie Wiesel's “Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech,” he states how “Forgetting is like killing them a second time.” This shows how Ellie believes that the Holocaust should be remembered and never forgotten. Ellie believes we should keep talking about the Holocaust and the horrible atrocities that happened. Wiesel informs how remembering the Holocaust is the key to preventing mass genocides like it in the future. This central idea is shared among other peoples accounts like “Night” by Ellie Wiesel, Arrival at Auschwitz testimonies, and President Biden's Holocaust Remembrance Speech. The memoir …show more content…

Ellie shows this by saying “To forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time,” (Wiesel xv). This is basically saying how if we forget what happened during the Holocaust, that it could be repeated and happen again, basically killing them a second time. In Ronen’s testimony of his arrival at Auschwitz, he goes over everything that happened to him before arriving at Auschwitz, and what happened to him during his arrival and stay at Auschwitz. Ronen was a survivor of the Holocaust and had a lot of experiences during his time in the Holocaust. In Ronen’s testimony he goes over all the details he remembers, even going to say “I remember the chimneys with dark, thick smoke rising from them,”(Ronen pg3). This means that remembering these things was traumatic to him, remembering these kinds of details. Ronen wouldn't want to forget these details because it is the only way to prevent these kinds of things in the future. Many atrocities even happened outside of the concentration camps, like Mihai, who “was arrested and beaten to a pulp and remained paraplegic for the rest of his life,”(Ronen

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