Nonprofit Organizations: Board Self-Evaluation

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Board Self-Evaluation The Board of Directors (BODs) of nonprofit organizations(NPOs) is responsible for overseeing and measuring the efficacy and effectiveness of the overall performance of the organization. This is to ensure that the board and Executive Director(ED) are carrying out their roles and responsibilities that is align with the vision, and mission of the organization. The board evaluate programs and other services that make their organization successful. It is critical that the BODs periodically does an evaluate of their own performance as well. The board performance correlate with the organization overall performance. Brown (2005) perceived in his study that organizational performance was positively associated with the board …show more content…

The board finds it to be necessary to evaluate each board members performance by using an informal self-assessment tools. This evaluate to determine how well individual board members carry out their roles and responsibilities. According to Gill, Flynn and Reissing (2005) these researchers noted that the public’s trust lays within the board’s governance structure of transparent and accountability and that assessment of board performance is essential for demonstrating accountability and building and maintain the public’s trust. Dutty and Holmboe (2006), is in agreement with Gill et al., research findings that the board can accomplished accountability by taking action in periodically measuring the board and individuals board members performance. Therefore, for evidence-based best practice is for the board to use reliable assessment tools that can strengthen the board’s performance as a governing body, this can be accomplished by selecting the most effective assessment tools and to be knowledgeable about what is being measure and focus on the outcome by reviewing and evaluating the goals that is presented in the organization Strategic …show more content…

A. (2005). Exploring the association between board and organizational performance in nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 15(3), 317-339. doi:10.1002/nml.71 Buse, K, Bilimoria, D. & Bernstein, S. R., (2016), The influence of board diversity, board diversity policies and practices, and board inclusion behaviors on nonprofit governance practices. Journal of Business Ethics 133(1), 179-191. doi: 10.1007/s10551-014-2352-z. Carver, J. (2007). Beyond board self-evaluation. Board Leadership,2007 (89), 4-5 Retrieved April 24,2018 from Duffy, F.D. & Holmboe, S.E., ( 2006), Self-assessment in lifelong learning and improving performance in practice - Physician know thyself. Jama Journal of the American Medical Association, 296(9), 1137-1139. doi:10.1001/jama.296.9.1137 Duncan-Marr, A., & Duckett, S. J. (2005), Board self-evaluation: The bayside health experience. Australian Health Review, 29(3), 340.doi: 10.1071/ah050340 Gill, M., Flynn, R. J., & Reissing, E. (2005). The governance self-assessment checklist: An instrument for assessing board effectiveness. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 15(3), 271-294.

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