Norris & Company Real Estate Mission Statement

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Norris & Company Real Estate

Norris & Company Real Estate's (NCRE) website does not reflect the mission statement. NCRE's mission statement is full of generalizations and meaningless phrases such as "state-of-the-art", "well-trained", and "people-oriented". There is no passion in the mission statement and nothing that differentiates NCRE from any other real estate firm. Furthermore, the mission statement does not express the company's values or philosophy.
NCRE's goal in their mission statement to "be the most successful real estate firm in Indian River County" definitely is BHAG (big, hairy, audacious goal). (Carpenter, Taylor & Erdogan, 2009). It appears that NCRE has partially achieved this goal. Their "About Us" web page states that Norris & Company …show more content…

An analysis of each of these web pages is below.
1. The "Agents" link provides five pages containing the names of ten agents per page with a link to the agent’s profile page. NCRE’s mission statement states that their staff are well-trained real estate professionals which is a misleading statement. I scrolled through the pages and only three of those agents have professional designations. Even the owners of the company, although agents themselves, do not have professional designations.
2. The "Company" page seems to have several discrepancies. For a company that strives "to provide top quality service", the discrepancies are glaring. First, the page states that NCRE has 40 years' experience while the About Us page states that NCRE has over 30 years' experience. NCRE’s statements should be consistent otherwise it appears that they do not pay attention to detail which is very important for a company that is selling luxury real property. Secondly, the page states that all of its agents have professional designations. As stated above, only three of the almost 50 agents have professional

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