North Carolina Prentice Hall Algebra 2 'By Randall Charles' Zenn Diagram

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The two texts that I analyzed for this assignment were “North Carolina Prentice Hall Algebra 2” by Randall Charles [and others] and “Zenn Diagram” by Wendy Brant. “Zenn Diagram” is a fictional novel about a math genius adolescent girl, Eva, who experiences visions every time she touches others belongings that allow her to read students' secrets, insecurities, and fears. These come in handy when tutoring math as she touches their calculator and sees what students struggle with (Brant, 2017). The novel revolves around Eva and an adolescent boy, Zenn, falling in love, but can’t be together because of Eva’s visions and Zenn’s mysterious dark past (Brant, 2017). I envision this novel being taught in a middle school math class to demonstrate how some students may share similar insecurities, fears, and secrets. At the end of the book, the …show more content…

This textbook can be applied to Math 2 to teach North Carolina mathematical concepts to high school students. Based on my evaluation, the readability of the “Zenn Diagram” is within a sixth grade reading level. There was an average of 6.3 sentences and 127.3 syllables in the three passages that I analyzed from the text (Readability Formulas, 2022). To help students read this book in a math setting, I plan on providing them with the opportunity to read the novel in “multiple modalities” like “e-books and audiobooks” (Moyer, 2011). Jessica Moyer argues in her article, “What Does it Really Mean to Read a Text?” that the “theories of engaged and motivated reading” are “based on printed or digital texts” that can “certainly be applied to audiobooks” (Moyer, 2011). The readability of “NC Prentice Hall Algebra 2” is within the sixth grade reading

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