Nothing In Biology Make Sense Except In The Light Of Evolution

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Theodosius Dobzhansky once said, “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution”. This quote is relevant because biology studies life and evolution is a change over time in life. By students learning this style of science, they will be able to obtain more knowledge in the scientific field. When taught evolution, students will understand the value of life itself and grasp it better. Because evolution is described as a change over time, students can now compare similarities to other organisms, and be able to answer more questions about the characteristics that organisms now have. Evolution is described in three different ways, but all have the same meaning in the end. When students study this, they are able to make better observations and hypotheses on life itself. For an example, the peppered moth had a change over 40 years. They had to learn how to adapt to their environment to survive. By doing that, it dramatically affected the rate of change in their lives. Now, students that have learned this topic can relate more to the changes in the organisms. Also, they will have a better understanding of why all of these organisms had to change. …show more content…

Over time those changes happen due to difficulties, or an overall change in the organism. When organisms die off after time or decided they have to adapt to the new environment they surround themselves in, they still can be compared to ones we have living today on this Earth. A long time ago, Homo sapiens had the vestigial bones in our bodies, because we needed them to survive. But now over time, we as humans have adapted to our new environment we are provided with. Now, some humans can live without parts of their hip bones, or it is easier to get replacements because we have adapted, through evolution, to our

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