I must have a plan. How I will go how I will complete the task that’s given consult with collides for their understanding, I search for examples. I ask question for clarity on the instruction given. I’m at comfort when I execute my plan and complete the task. Precision: {USE AS NEEDED}-I reread the instruction and follows them to the detail. I search for all the information for the assignment. I question the instructions for more details. I complete an assignment; review it thoroughly before I turn it in. Anxiety, waiting for feedback, need to know if I completed the assignment correctly.
Technical Reasoning: {Use First}- I must figure out how I’m going to execute the assignment. I try to complete the task without any assistance. I let
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Topics: Did I address all of the topics described in the assignment instructions?
b. Paragraph construction: Did I start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence? Did I follow the topic sentence with supporting details? Click on the link for tips on How to Write a Good Paragraph.
c. Length: Was my response five paragraphs, as specified by the assignment instructions?
d. Formatting: Did I create my response as a Microsoft Word document? Is it written in Times New Roman 12-pt. font and double spaced? e. Double check: Did I double check spelling, grammar, and punctuation?
Section D.
With Week 5 assignment, I will have to intensify my S29,P21, TR 29, and forge my C.20. This assignment is asking me to review previous work and responses. It’s giving me detail instructions on what format the assignment needs to be written and how long. The pattern that’s is required to successfully complete that portion of the assignment is Sequence. My intensified Technical Reasoning will help me figure out my thoughts keep pushing me when I get stuck on an idea. Intensifying my Precision will help me with requiring all the proper information, writing with details. Forging my Confluence is going to keep my calm, give me the confidence to complete this assignment. Help me brainstorm this assignment, and give me ideas that I normally wouldn’t think about. Using FIT with theses adjusted patterns I feel confident that I will complete this assignment