Nt1310 Unit 2 Assignment

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Asking questions about strategies and services use could cause students and colleagues to become defensive, because they may view it as questioning their commitment or abilities. Examining one’s own teaching practices can reveal flawed ideologies and practices. This discomfort can be further complicated by the formalization and examination of techniques used to collect and assess research data. Collection concerns include access to and cooperation by the participants. The time constraints and additional workloads caused by the data collection and analysis create other potential problems.
In order to be supported during the weeks of data collection and analysis, the Spring Semester schedule needed to be arranged to include courses fitting the research project parameters. Family and friends are prepared to give emotional support and help with daily domestic duties. A critical colleague was chosen for …show more content…

Once chapters were written, feedback from the critical colleague and Dr. Wilcox helped evaluate errors in logic as well as grammar and mechanical issues that would raise questions to the competency and credibility of the researcher. Having a professional, quality action research project will facilitate the collecting of data from the stakeholders and will give confidence for sharing the results and conclusions. The objectives of the 692 Research Methods and Design Course were met successfully in that they were completely embedded in the coursework. The effectiveness of the course was demonstrated as it was impossible to discuss the learning provided in the course without direct references to the objectives. The successful completion of the action research proposal demonstrates the effectiveness of the course’s goal of providing the student with the tools needed to become a confident educational

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