Nt1310 Unit 2 Research Paper

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WPA2 –Wi-Fi protected access version 2
This security was made because of the 802.11i wireless security standard. WPA2 is very similar to WPA but it uses AES – advanced encryption standard to encrypt. AES has a 128 bit key whereas DES – data encryption standard which was used before AES has a 64bit key. 64bit keys take a lot less time to break than 128bit key. The wireless AES key will be encrypted into 128 bits so a larger sequence of numbers which would need to be decrypted in order to access the key whereas DES which uses 64 bit encryption so half the size encryption as AES that is why AES is more secure.

Types of communication devices.
Device Examples Features
Tablet Ipad air, Nexus HD display ,WI-FI, large storage, on screen keyboard, …show more content…

PDA Palm Z22 handheld PDA Windows mobile ,Wi-Fi, Expandable memory ,QWERTY keyboard, portable.

Interconnection devices
1.interconnection devices allow connection between devices examples of these are such as router, switch, wireless access points.
2.A wireless repeater resends a signal when it is received to increase the wireless signals reach.
3.A hub receives data and transmits it to all connected PCs but a switch stores the mac address for all connected pcs so will only transmit to specific PCs not all that are connected.
4.a network bridge connects two or more networks together and is similar to a switch because it sends the correct information to each connected pc .it can be hardware or software.
5. A wireless access point (WAP) allows devices with wireless capabilities to connect to a network without the need for any cables such as Ethernet.
7. DTE short for Data Terminal Equipment, a device that controls data traveling to or from a computer.
8. In network computing, DCE (Distributed Computing Environment) is a software that is set up to manage data which is going into and out of

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