Nt1310 Unit 4

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1. The complement of a is of: a. RE b. Recursive but not RE c. RE but not recursive d. Recursive either RE and recursive 2. If multitape TM with some time complexity then a one-tape machine accepst L with time complexity as: a. O(hf 2) b. O(h2) c. O(F2) d. All 3. If the input to TM be,@(n) ≥ 1n + 1, then any language that can be accepted by a TM with @(n) = 1n +12 be a. Certain b. Uncertain c. Always certain d. Not possible 4. The language of balanced strings of Dspace of a function in TM are in a.1+log(n+1)(x) b.1+log n c.none d. both 5. Writing a Turing machine is a. solvable b. possible c. both d.can’t do anything 6. P and inverse of P are recursive enumerable P is of a) Context free …show more content…

The expression can be closed under what if regular a) intersectionon b) Union c) Kleen star(*) operator d) All of the mentioned 8. Which of the following is true? a) regular set is the subset of a regular set b) finite subset of is regular for a non-regular L c) Not possible d) both a and b 9. If L1=a != b, L2=a = j then Which is true? a. L1 and L2 is context free b. both not c.impossible CFG d.Accepts 10. Let S be of kleen closure of 0 and 1. Then set of all substrings with minimum number of states a.N+1 b.N^2 c.N.N.N d.N 11. Q1 U Q2 is a. context free but not