Nt1310 Unit 5 Factor Analysis

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Introduction: This memo presents information regarding essential manufacturing indicators for the four countries in which we are considering locating a new plant. Those four countries, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Thailand, and South Africa, are all being measured for their literacy rate, level of government corruption, wage rates, and quality of infrastructure, in that order. I will display data on each category, explain where it is coming from, and what it means. I will also provide my own opinion on how each indicator should be weighted. We will also be having meetings later in October to discuss these options, so the memo will end by briefly providing information on those meetings. Decision Method: Before presenting the data, I’d like to suggest how to weight it. The indicators of interest affect the potential performance of our manufacturing plant in different ways, and have different levels of disparity between countries, which leads me to believe that each indicator should receive different weights. The weight for each indicator should be decided according to two factors: importance to the success of the plant, and level of disparity between countries. While presenting the data for each indicator, I will touch on these two factors. …show more content…

All four countries have literacy rates of over 90% and the differences between the four countries are quite small, with the highest rate being less than 7% higher than the lowest rate. Considering every country in consideration has high literacy, and the differences between countries in literacy rates are miniscule, this indicator should receive little to no