Nt1330 Unit 7 Group Policies

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Assignment-7 Group Policies

Group Policies:
Group policies specifies settings for users and computers which includes security settings, software installation, computer startup and shut down, registry based policy settings and folder redirection. Group policies are responsible for controlling the working environment of users and computers accounts. It provides the configuration and management of the user’s settings, operating system and applications in a working environment. It is responsible for the user’s actions in a computer like what a user can and cannot do on the computer for example enforce users to have a complex password to prevent the network from being accessed by unidentified users.
Group policies when properly planned and implemented …show more content…

Registry based policy: Only the users allowed by the library staff must be able to use the computers. This will protect the systems from unidentified access. The library staff must provide temporary login credentials to the users.

2. Disable USB ports and other external access: All the external access to the computer must be disabled which prevent the computers from hacking. Hackers can attach the USB and download malicious software which can disable the policies and break the administration login and access the private data.

3. Enable access to Internet Browser, and to certain applications on your PC, and disable everything else: The computer should allow the user only to access some applications and disable others which will prevent the download of any kind of malicious files or virus on the system. This will prevent the system to get infected by any kind of virus.

4. Clear the user history: Erase all the data downloaded by the user once the user log out from the system which will prevent the access of the private data and protects the unauthorized access to the system.

5. Monitor users actions: If a user tries to download data from suspicious website then the administrator should get alert and take the appropriate action. This will help the misuse of the

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