Nuclear Fusion Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography “Nuclear Fusion Power.” Nuclear Fusion. WNA – World Nuclear Association, Nuclear fusion, is a modern form of energy that can be harnessed in order to provide energy for our future generations. This energy uses hydrogen isotopes to provides a nearly inexhaustible source of energy. Fusion is a source of energy that seems to be extremely promising based on its ability to provide lots of energy at little cost, but many challenges and conditions must be set to make this plausible. “World Hydropower Statistics 2017.” World Hydropower Statistics 2017 | International Hydropower Association, …show more content…

Many countries also more effectively use these sources due to their geographic advantages such as coasts, rivers, and lakes. European countries tend to use more hydropower than other countries, but many countries that have large capacities for hydropower facilities do not fully utilize the potential of hydropower. It provides useful insight to the usage of hydropower facilities as a renewable energy source across the world. Facts About Hydropower, Over 20% of the world’s power is from hydroelectric facilities and 10% is hydropower in the US. Other countries use hydroelectricity to nearly completely sustain their population such as Norway and New Zealand. It is one of the most efficient ways to generate electricity and is more stable than other sources. It provides many statistical tools that can be used to prove a case for hydroelectricity. “Geothermal Power.”,

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