Nuclear Fusion Papers

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What is nuclear fusion? Nuclear fusion is the process of two nuclei combining and becoming one. Nuclear fusion is a very complex project that has been worked on for many years by scientists. The process of nuclear fusion has actually been going on billions of years in the stars, but scientists cannot seem to get it to work for them. Nuclear fusion would be very good energy source if people could figure out how to complete the process and control the end result. Since 1985 the then Soviet Union and United States worked together to try and figure out how to find further evidence of a breakthrough in nuclear fusion. With the potential energy that could come with nuclear fusion, it is wise to focus more on making breakthroughs instead of other …show more content…

To start, the result of nuclear fusion is a lot of energy. Not only would it produce a lot of energy, but there would be no carbon dioxide trade off. It is completely free of greenhouse gases. Many people get nuclear fusion and nuclear fission mixed up. Nuclear fusion is the process of combining two nuclei to become one. Nuclear fission is the opposite. It is the process of separating atoms to become two. Nuclear fission is very hard to control compared to fusion(Fusion Power). If nuclear fission gets out of control it could cause a chain reaction of atoms splitting more and more. If it is not pulled under control, it could possibly lead to a nuclear bomb(BBC). If a nuclear fusion reactor got messed up, it would not cause a horrible disaster because it does not need much fuel to work; therefore, there is not that much fuel in the machine(Quora). While regular nuclear power leaves behind loads of nuclear waste, nuclear fusion leaves behind little to no waste. Lastly everybody’s favorite, it has a very low fuel …show more content…

It is likely that because of all of the carbon dioxide released from burning fossil fuels, the earth is warming up. That would happen because CO2 is a greenhouse gas, and they cause the ozone layer to thicken. When the ozone layer thickens, not as much infrared radiation out of the atmosphere. Fossil fuels do not only affect the ozone layer by releasing carbon dioxide which thickens the ozone layer, but also the composition of the earth. When fracking occurs, it shakes the support of an area because they are trying to squeeze liquid into an area where there was not any before. There have been earthquakes caused by fracking(Potential Health and

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