Nur 431 Philosophy Of Nursing Paper

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Philosophy of Nursing NURS 300- Introduction to Theories and Concepts I NURS 431- Transition to Professional Nursing Practice Purpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to enable the student to rediscover his or her personal philosophy of nursing as it exists upon the completion of the baccalaureate nursing program. Student Approach to Assignment The philosophy of nursing paper involves many different aspects that all come together, and it is what helps to guide us in this chosen career path. This assignment helped me to take a look at what my previous philosophy of nursing was, and compare it to what I believe it is this day. Dividing the different aspects that go into my philosophy of nursing helps me to have a better understanding of why I chose this path, what guides my actions while in the health care setting and what keeps me motivated each day. By examining past beliefs I now better understand how I have grown in my thinking on what nursing is from that first semester. Reason for Inclusion of this Assignment in the Portfolio This is a required nursing portfolio assignment that helps to better understand how I have grown from someone who thought they had an idea of what nursing was, to utilizing ethics and standards to …show more content…

The first one was Leininger, who discusses cultural awareness in nursing. This is important in nursing due to nurses needing to be culturally sensitive and aware with the different patients they encounter. The next was Roy’s theory on adaptation and how patient’s needed to adapt to their environment and nurses can help in the community to prevent diseases and decrease the long term effects on these different patient and community members. The last nursing theorists discussed in this paper is Lydia Hall, who discusses how the patient, the healthcare team, and the nurse as an individual all work together to improve the patient’s

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