Nurse Anesthetist Career Paper

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Becoming a nurse anesthetist is a career that I am interested in for my future. One of my main things when it came to picking a career I envisioned myself doing, was choosing one that allowed me to help others; and within this career, I am certainly able to do just that. This job requires many skills, years of education, and a will to learn every single day, but knowing that I’ve been able to help people will be well worth it. “As anesthesia specialists, CRNAs provide anesthesia care for patients before, during and after surgical and obstetrical procedures. They administer medications to keep patients asleep or pain-free during surgery and constantly monitor every important function of the patient's body.” (Mayo Clinic Nurse Anesthesia).While …show more content…

“As a life-long learner, each day is full of new learning and personal growth. Nursing and nurse anesthesia offers great flexibility in hours to work, locations and specialty practice.” (Reede 1). It’s a job where you should always be open to learning, and allow it to help you continuously get better. This job offers many opportunities when it comes to flexibility, as well as what locations and specialties you would want to work in. Often times, nurse anesthetists are on call and work a 24 hour schedule. If you are not working on a case, you’re able to go home, or sleep in the on call room. With the 24 hour work schedule in place, you are able to have more flexibility and have time for doing things you enjoy. Being trained as a nurse anesthetist allows you to open a whole field of options as to what you want for a work setting. Many believe that you can only work in an operating room, but if decided, you could choose to train for dentistry, battlefield, emergency room, radiology; anywhere that anesthesia may be …show more content…

To prepare for working at the hospital everyday, starting off by volunteering at a hospital would be a major help in getting into the anesthetics program. In college, it is required to take Fundamentals of Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology,Foundations of Nursing Practice 1-2, Psychology, Care of Adults 1-3, Pharmacology, Pathophysiology Health Assessments and many other courses. (University of New England BSN). If decided to go into this career you must always, “Be hungry to learn and integrate information. Work well in teams and as a collaborator” (Reede

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