Nurse Job Satisfaction Case Study

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To Determine the Relationship Between Organizational Environment and Nurse Job Satisfaction in Bangladesh: a Case Study on Private Hospital MOHITUL AMEEN AHMED MUSTAFI1*, MD. AZMOL HOSSAIN2, 1. Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, School of Business,Uttara University (UU), Bangladesh. 2. Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, School of Business,Uttara University (UU), Bangladesh, E-mail*: Abstract This descriptive correlation study was designed to describe and examine the relationship between organizational environment and nurse job satisfaction within the health care context in Bangladesh. The study was conducted at different private medical college and hospital in Bangladesh. Respondent …show more content…

Purpose of the Study 1. To determine the relationship between organizational environments and nurse’s job satisfaction. 2. To identify influencing factors of both organizational environments and nurse’s job satisfaction. Conceptual Framework: Two conceptual domains were used in this framework: nurses’ job satisfaction and organizational environment. For nurses’ job satisfaction, a synthesis of Stamp’s work (1997) and related literature was conducted and resulted in conceptualizing six components of nurses’ job satisfaction. These are autonomy, payment, task requirements, organization policies, interaction, and professional status (Stamps, 1997). The second domain was organizational environment. Stringer’s six dimensions of organizational environment (2002) were used to conceptualize nurses’ perception regarding organizational environment. These are structure, standards, responsibility, reward and recognition, support and commitment (Stringer, 2002) (Figure 1). Organizational environment 1. Structure 2. Standards 3. Responsibility 4. Reward and Recognition 5. Support 6. Commitment (Stringer, …show more content…

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