Nursing Case Study Aseptic Necrosis

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Bill is a 34-year-old male that appears to be in good health. He is very active and enjoys running and different water sports like swimming, water ski, and scuba diving. Approximately seven months ago he travelled to Puerto Vallarta for vacation. Bill mentioned that on that vacation he was taken to the Emergency room after felling sick after being scuba diving. Recently he has been having discomfort on his left hip, he complained of having stiffness and pain in his left hip for couple of weeks. So, he visited his doctor and he was evaluated. He was given an analgesic and a muscle relaxant and was given an appointment to return in 3 weeks back for a follow up. His second visit to his doctor his symptoms were not better and actually he now …show more content…

The doctor did found abnormalities on both of his hips and was considered to be serious. Bill was diagnosed with Avascular Necrosis. (AVN), Aseptic necrosis, ischemic necrosis or the most popular name it has adopted is Osteonecrosis - is death of the bone tissue due to lack of blood supply. Background of Case Study Avascular necrosis has many other names, Aseptic necrosis, ischemic necrosis or the most popular name it has adopted is Osteonecrosis - is death of the bone tissue due to lack of blood supply. Avascular necrosis was discovered months later due to his discomfort of his hips and shoulder that there was something wrong in his hips and along with the sign and symptoms and the work up the doctor performed and found. AVN is the …show more content…

According to “The bends, also known as decompression sickness (DCS) or Caisson disease occurs in scuba divers or high altitude or aerospace events when dissolved gases (mainly nitrogen) come out of solution in bubbles and can affect just about any body area including joints, lung, heart, skin and brain.” Specific to this case Bends is when a diver goes in to water most likely the sea for scuba diving, the diver will have a pack of air supply and allows them to go deep in to the waters and allows them to breath with no difficulty. The body is not use to the atmosphere deep in the water where there is different pressure. The blood is more soluble this means the elements can dissolve in the blood stream, including helium, nitrogen, and oxygen. Divers need to make sure they do not ascend to the to he surface too quickly since this can create a great number of bubbles in the blood soluble gases. This will accumulate in the muscles and will cause pain and the symptoms are excessive cough, chest pain, dizziness, paralysis, difficulty breathing, unconsciousness, and even death. Bends can lead to other serious problems and one of them is avascular necrosis. AVS will progress with time passes without having any signs. The signs of are not evident fast and they take up to a year to feel the signs. As the bone is dying

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