Nursing Case Study: Human Development And Development

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Case study Linda

Padraig Rice

In this assignment I will write a report on a case study on a girl named Linda who is spending some time in a respite care home in which I am a carer. On her last occasion in the care home she was outgoing, bubbly and mixed well with other residents but on this occasion she is quiet has lost weight and not interacting with other residents and has told another resident she is being bullied at school.
Identify who you would need to talk to in this situation
As a carer it would be my responsibility to report and record what I was told by the other resident to my line manager /supervisor. Even though this is second hand information you noticed yourself that Linda has lost weight, is quiet, not joining group at meal times and is withdrawn. It is important that Linda’s needs are dealt with in a holistic way which would include her spiritual, physical, social, emotional, and environmental needs by a multi-disciplinary team who would include her GP, Nurse, Social worker, Psychologist, Dietician and Nutritionist and other stakeholders such as her family, representatives of her school and her carers. The most important person in all this is Linda and she needs to be treated as such.
Identify Linda’s individual needs in this situation particularly in relation to the Physical, Intellectual, emotional and Social wellbeing of Linda.
Linda is 14 years old and an adolescent and her body is

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