Nursing Profession Vs Media Analysis

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The Nursing Profession versus the Media
Braneisha Smith
University of Central Florida

The Nursing Profession versus the Media
Nursing is a profession requiring a great deal of education, hands-on training, and determination. Due to their extensive work, “nurses see themselves as well-trained professionals…,” (Hoeve, 2014, p. 295) committedly working to provide the best care to their patients. Many times the media share this perception of the nursing image, positively advertising their role. However, there are some negative messages advertised also, projecting bad thoughts about the nursing role and what it represents.
One television drama series in particular, Teen Wolf gives viewers clear images of a nursing role through …show more content…

Nurse McCall was aware of Scott’s powers and one of few aware of the supernatural creatures amidst the town. Therefore, her role as a nurse proved crucial to the series, because she not only cared for normal human beings, but treated human werewolves too. If other emergency nurses or higher authorities knew of their existence, they would try exterminating them out of fear. Nurse McCall demonstrated the image of nursing in full effect, dealing with the aftermath of vicious crimes, while maintaining the true identity nurses represent …show more content…

One option to solve this involves nurses “[finding] their nursing voice” and “[challenging] the stereotypes” (O’Conner, 2013, p. 34) the media broadcasts. Speaking out can reduce the credibility of myths, proving they are no long relevant. Another option that can decline myths relies on the media themselves. If they took the time to check the credibility of their messages, they can limit misconceptions aired to the media. Take female dominance over males in the nursing profession for example. If male nurses spoke out courageously about their active roles in the profession, many people would change their views about their existence. On the other hand, if the media added more males to their advertisements opposed to the typical female, the profession could recruit more males, being that it’s not diminishing their society status. There are infinite opportunities to improve the nursing profession image in the media, especially as new technology emerge, we just have to focus more on the positive opposed to the