Nutritionist Career Essay

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Nutritionist is someone who councils you and gives you advice on how to maintain your health. The word nutrition first appeared in 1551 and comes from the latin word “nutrie” which means “to nourish” (“Introduction to nutrition” Maureen Zimmerman and Beth Snow). Nutritionist assess patients and clients health needs and diets (“Dietitians and Nutritionist”). They develop meal plans. People nowadays do not take their health into consideration to what they are putting into their bodies. There is a large percent of obesity in the United States. There are certain career requirements and qualifications a nutritionist has to meet, there are some working conditions a nutritionist has to do, and a typical day as a nutritionist is counselling and talking with people about their health.
Career Requirements and Qualifications …show more content…

They also talk with people and complete paperwork. Nutritionist frequently work with people who have medical issues like those with diabetes or people undergoing chemotherapy (“How to become a nutritionist/nutritionist careers.”). They help them find the right foods to eat for the best health. They talk about specific diets and food trends. They also talk about what impact those on health. A nutritionist may test for specific food allergies or autoimmune disorders such as celiac disease (“How to become a nutritionist/nutritionist careers.”). Celiac disease is gluten intolerance. Nutritionist usually work about 38 hours a week. I think the best part of the day would be helping someone take the first step into having a healthier lifestyle. The typical american diet is lacking in so many ways just from not containing the right amount of nutrients. Its is also lacking because it is to speedily consumed and it is only a little satisfying. I think the most challenging part of it would be the paperwork. There is so much paperwork you have to keep up with because of all of the