Oakview Personal Statement

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From Oakview Elementary to Beck Academy to J.L. Mann High School, Greenville County Schools has remained a constant factor of my education. My entire educational career, I have been in Greenville County Schools, from learning my ABC’s to taking advanced Calculus. In my opinion, the teachers of Greenville County are one of a kind and provide an amazing educational community. My teachers at Oakview created strong educational roots that I have fertilized with knowledge to now become a blossomed student. These teachers have not only taught me, but they have inspired me to become a teacher. My goal is to major in Elementary Education and move on to become a role model to young students in the classroom. Being in the classroom will provide me an opportunity to observe and mold students as they grow and become the …show more content…

This class solidified my future goal of wanting to go into education. I was given the opportunity to help teach in a classroom of second graders and observe the teaching process from a different point of view, other than a student’s. My other experience with second grade students was when I volunteered to coach a second grade girl’s basketball team at my church. Even though we did not win every game, or any for that matter, I conducted myself in the highest manner to be an appropriate inspiration for the girls. Besides elementary aged students, I also mentor a group of younger girls, ninth to tenth grade. Each Thursday morning, we gather for devotion and an open discussion in a safe environment. I strive to be a mentor that these girls may confide in and attempt to be a model of good morals that they may follow. While forming a strong community with these girls, they have also inspired me to be a version of my best self. I try to be a light for them in this dark world, but I now see that in being a mentor for them, I see their light shinning just as