Obama Care Act Persuasive Speech

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To start off I would like to congratulate you on winning the election. Secondly, I would like to discuss an important issue with you, the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act is designed to give the American people access to affordable, quality health insurance and to reduce the cost of the United States health care spending. Among the many benefits of ACA, I would like to acknowledge the most important ones to me; you cannot be charged more on health insurance based on your health status or gender, you cannot be denied coverage on pre-existing conditions, large companies must offer coverage of health insurance to full time employees, and young adults can stay on their parent’s/guardian’s plan until the age of twenty-six. Out of …show more content…

A recent article, Trump, Republicans set timeframe for introducing Obamacare replacement posted on reuters.com states previews to some key aspects of the replacement. One statement said by Republicans, “intend to repeal the penalties for Obamacare 's mandate requiring individuals to get coverage and employers to provide it, the policy brief said.” I believe that this will be a very bad decision. If you are going to remove the penalties, then less employers will offer health care to their employees. This will increase the cost for individuals to get health care insurance on their own and will cause many to not get health care insurance due to the cost. If what I predict does happen, do you have plans to solve …show more content…

Based on an individual’s age will the cost differ monthly? I believe that this concept is a great concept, but a lot of issues can surface if not implemented right. I feel as if this is a motive to make everyone in some way pay for themselves to be insured, but not everyone wants to. There are still ways of receiving health care and not being insured. In Reinventing American Health Care, Emanuel wrote, “Uninsured Americans do get sick and need health care; they receive about 65 percent of the care they would receive if they were