Obesity As A Stigma Essay

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The Canadian Medical Association made a wise decision to recognize obesity as a disease. By classifying obesity as a disease, it reduces stigma, allows for better treatment and better prevention. Firstly, stigma is a problem in terms of obesity that will change because of classifying it as a disease. Many people who are obese face judgment and ridicule due to their condition. This type of stigma negatively impacts a person’s health both physically and mentally (Puhl & Heuer, 2010). It is because of this that many people are embarrassed by their condition which further drives them to continue with their poor lifestyle choices and not seek treatment (Puhl & Heuer, 2010). Obesity was previously seen by many as a modifiable behavioural factor, placing blame on the individual. While obesity can be linked to lifestyle factors, there are other factors that one cannot control. Both genetic and environmental factors, both social and physical, can play a significant role in developing obesity (Puhl & Heuer, 2010). By recognizing the condition as a disease, it reduces the ideas of blame placed on individuals. This allows for people to feel more comfortable seeking treatment and become healthier. …show more content…

Current treatments of obesity are often inadequate and patients do not see the desired results of weight loss (Rippe, Crosley & Ringer, 1998). On top of this, physicians and healthcare teams often do not take proper steps to be involved with their patient’s obesity treatments (Rippe et al 1998). Effective treatment should involve a multidisciplinary team such family doctors but dietitians, trainers, and support for patients. With more money allocated to treat obesity, more effective treatments can be made

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