Obesity In Australia Essay

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Obesity is been one of the world alarming health concern in public health area (Mia Pradinuk et al, 2011). The incidence of obesity or overweight in Australia has been augmented and doubled from past 20 years (Monash obesity and diabetes institute, 2013). The causes of obesity in early childhood are due to unhealthy dietary habits, lack of physical activity and family eating habits. It requires lot of determination and commitment in those children who are obese to get back their healthy weight (Better health, 2013). According to the report of OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) on ‘obesity and the economics of prevention’, Among OECD countries, Australia place the sixth highest position in occurrence of being obese and overweight (Sassi F, 2010), and trend scrutiny suggest that Australia will conquest the USA and UK by 2022 (Schneider H et al. 2010). In Australia, every third /fourth adolescent or child is been over weight/obese (Australian Health Survey, 2011). Haby et al ,2012 foresee that the occurrence of obesity in Australia will raise per year between 0.4% and 0.8% ,and Australian child / adolescent aged between 5 – 19 years will …show more content…

The rise in obesity and its comorbidities among young is multifactorial in cause, including increased access to foods high in fats, added sugars and calories, larger portion sizes and a sedentary lifestyle. The diversity of these contributors to childhood obesity has made it difficult to design simple, achievable, public health solutions (Australian Health survey, 2011).
Studies have been conducted to identify strategies to combat obesity among youth; yet much remains to be understood. But, the mechanisms responsible for the growing occurrence of childhood overweight or obesity are not entirely implicit, unhealthy dietary behaviours have a vital role (WHO,