Obesity In College Students Essay

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Obesity: College students and children
What is the health issue? Merriam-Webster defines obesity as “A condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body” (Merriam-Webster.com, 2018). Obesity is a condition in which more calories are consumed than what the body needs. American children consume approximately 110-165 more calories than what they need for the day. Adolescents who are considered overweight consume an average of 700-1000 extra calories a day (Davidson, 2016). Obesity has become a public health problem in the United States with excess weight and obesity in college students and children on the rise, as well as the risk of chronic health issues.
Who is affected by the health issue? Many college students during their first year will fear gaining “The freshman 15.” College students face challenges such as increased stress levels, decreased exercise, changes in food intake and diet patterns, limited finances, and access to food (Rodriguez, 2004). Male college students have …show more content…

While older children and adolescents may battle with negative body image and poor eating habits, younger children may be more willing to adjust to positive lifestyle changes because they are more easily influenced (Beckman, 2006). If healthy foundational eating habits are not established at a young age, it can affect their futures as well as their community. “The American Heart Association lists long term effects of childhood overweight and obesity to include cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic and orthopedic abnormalities, asthma, sleep apnea, and some cancers. Psychosocial consequences of adolescent obesity reported by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) include social isolation, high-risk behavior (alcohol and drug use, early sexual experimentation), low self-esteem, depression, and eating disorders” (Sowden,

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