
Obesity In New York City Essay

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Major Bloomberg made awareness of his public health measure by stating, ““Obesity is a nationwide problem, and all over the United States, public health officials are wringing their hands saying, ‘Oh, this is terrible.’ He continues by telling us that, “New York City is not about wringing your hands; it’s about doing something.” (Park) Major Bloomberg has started this health measure so we need to take action as well. The rates of obesity and overweight children in New York is higher than the national average, and by taking the necessary steps in banning large quantities of soda, New York can become a healthier place. There are many health problems that come with our surgery beverages that are making us sick. One major impact that sugar drinks have on us is long term weight gain that can lead to obesity. Other health problems include tooth decay, heart disease, diabetes, gout, and metabolic syndrome. (Ritz) As parents with children we need to be concerned with these health issues our kids may face. One in five New York City kindergarten students are obese. (Staff) Additionally, every surgery beverage a child dinks daily, his or her odds of becoming obese increase by 60%. Sugar intake is the primary source of a …show more content…

Imagine walking to your favorite gas station to get a tall glass of a sugary beverage on a hot summer day. You heard your Mountain Dew calling your name. Upon arrival you notice that they only offer a small glass because of the soda ban. This can cause frustration to a consumer when there freedom is taken away. In addition to consumer freedom, lack of education is also a huge impact on today’s health problems. 76% on obese teens reported that they tried to lose weight, but their actions show that they might not be properly informed about how to make healthy decisions that will result in weight loss.

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