Objectification Of Women Essay

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The Call (2013) is promoting the objectification of women, because it has unnecessary underwear scenes, also they exploited a teenage girl and it contains images structured around a masculine viewer.


This section:

* A trend that is developing in entertainment media today is the objectification of women in society. Specifically, in movies, music videos, music, and television, there is strong focus on women as sexual objects rather than women. According to Jon Barber.

* This film objectified women.

* because it has unnecessary underwear scenes, also they exploited a teenage girl and it contains images structured around a masculine viewer.


Sample Major Point Development: II. The first reason …show more content…

Hollywood exploited young women and this affect the young society because they emulate what they see.

4. So this is also objectification they are


B. Supporting example

1. Another example is that when Hollywood use these images of young women almost naked, it generates that people wants younger girls and therefore more consumers of child pornography.

2. The movie industry’s exploitation of teenage females is shameful. According to Smith, sexualizing teenage females may contribute to male viewers perceiving younger and younger girls as “eye candy.” As bad as it is with adult actresses, a movie displaying female minors for the sexual delight of male viewers borders on child pornography. Hollywood’s objectification of teenage females increases “body shame” and “appearance anxiety” among girls. (Feminist Legal Theory))

3. A young lady in underwear in the media, can have serious consequences, one of them, more consumers of child pornography.

4. So this kind of images is objectification as well young women become a thing that gives pleasure

IIII. The third reason why this film is promoting objectification of women is because It contains images structured around a masculine viewer.

A. Supporting