
Obsession In The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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In the novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald describes a story of obsession from a wealthy gentleman, Jay Gatsby, who has jeopardized his entire future and respected reputation for a woman, Daisy Buchanan. After the Great War, Gatsby returns to Long Island with the only hope of seeing love once again, but, unfortunately, at the same time, Daisy has married to Tom Buchanan, a millionaire. Instead of accepting the reality and forever let Daisy live happily with her married life, Gatsby continues longing for the past with Daisy that he patiently waited for her one-day return. For five solid years of waiting, everything Gatsby does, everything he owns, and even every extravagant party he throws, are all part of his grand idea to bring Daisy …show more content…

Despite the fact, they live next to one another, but Nick has never a chance to see the mysterious and respectable neighbor of his. However, on one tranquil night, Nick’s attention got attracted by a mysterious figure as “he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way [toward] a single green light [at] the end of the dock...[then] vanished and…it was alone again with the green light” (Fitzgerald 20-21). The action of the figure is as if he is trying to reach to something that is far away; the green light. That is Gatsby. He reaches for the green light but then vanished which show his nonsensical of wanting the thing that is never meant to be his. It will always be there and still be just as intangible and elusive regardless how hard Gatsby is trying to get it. In Gatsby’s perspective, his desire is his Daisy which symbolized by the green light in this case. He has always wished for Daisy’s return to his side, but since she is married, this is impossible. Being such a fool, Gatsby refuse to accept it, and yet he blinds himself with the memories with Daisy that forever haunted

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