Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Essay

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a disease that someone has for a very long time. Someone with OCD has uncontrollable reoccurring thoughts and actions that he or she feels that they have to keep doing multiple times. Some of the symptoms of OCD are, the fear of germs or contamination. This is if you are constantly cleaning the items around you our always have the urge to wash your hands. Another symptom is organizing items in a certain way, everything must be perfect. Another symptom you could have if you have OCD is checking on things over and over. One example is checking to see that you shut off the kitchen light multiple times. Compulsive counting is another symptom. Many people with OCD find that the number four is a significant number. Therefore, …show more content…

ADHD is a disease that causes your brain to wander off task. It is very difficult for you to concentrate on one thing. There are two main symptoms of ADHD, one is called inattention. People with inattention often make careless mistakes in schoolwork or any other activities. They may also not seem to listen when someone else is talking to them. Also, they could be easily distracted by random thoughts. The other main symptom to ADHD is called hyperactivity-impulsivity. People with this symptom may be always moving around in there seat and can't sit still. They may also talk nonstop. Trouble waiting there turn is also a very common symptom of hyperactivity-impulsivity. Some of the risk factors for ADHD are, if the mother smoked, drank alcohol, or used drugs while pregnant with her baby. Another risk factor is if you have experienced brain injuries. Lastly you are more likely to have ADHD if you were born with a low birth weight or you were exposed to environmental toxins at a young

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