Obtaining A Master's Degree In Counseling

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In this paper, I will be discussing my career position along with my statement of purpose. I will include professional goals and why I want to obtain a master's degree in counseling. I will also be examining Mirabeau B. Lamar’s quote on educational democracy, and how it is relevant in today's education. Lastly, I will be talking about if students are learning at higher levels than previously believed. Career Position My first and most important career goal is to be a life-long learner. I want to continue to grow and move forward in the field of education, and I believe that becoming a professional school counselor would be one method of doing this. My short-term professional goal, after completing my master's degree in counseling, is to become either a middle school or high school counselor. A long-term professional goal would be to grow in knowledge and experience as a professional school counselor. Another long-term goal would be to help students be successful now and in …show more content…

Professional school counselors can make a difference in students lives. I also believe that school counselors are a vital part of the school. Counselors deal with students on a daily basis and I have a strong desire to help others work through the challenges and difficulties of life. My hopes for becoming a counselor are to impact and make a difference in students everyday lives. I believe students need guidance and support. I also believe counselors are a great support system for teachers. By working together we can help maximize the student experience throughout a student’s school career. I believe that professional integrity is important for a counselor. As a counselor, you cannot be unethical and be effective at your job. That is why it is important to know the ASCA ethical standards and codes for school counselors. Being knowledgeable and having a positive attitude is also vital to being an effective

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