Occupy Wall Street Equality

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Three years after the 2008 financial crisis, the U.S. economy remained a mess, leaving millions out of work. The housing market was struggling for a recovery three years after the 2008 financial crisis, and foreclosures increased. Occupy Wall Street arose in response to the ordinary people who are getting battered by economic forces beyond their control, while elites in the private and public sector prosper. In this paper, I will examine Occupy Wall Street’s confrontation of the U.S. wealth gap and its actions, participants and its attempt to encourage equality. (2) Occupy Wall Street, also known as OWS, is a leaderless resistance movement. It includes people of many genders, colors and political point of views. The majority of the protesters …show more content…

After posting its call to action, Adbusters sent word to its email distribution list and created a Facebook event, mobilizing a pre-existing network of followers. As one of the largest privately owned public spaces online, Facebook became a key platform for the Occupy movement. Facebook profiles such as OccupyWallSt.Gilded.Age and OccupyTogether, created in the weeks leading up to the first protest, provided broadly accessible channels for information. During the groundwork phase, organizers also used open-source web-coding tools to create dedicated Occupy websites. The most important were Occupywallst.org, and the blog Occupytogether.org. These sites combined newsfeeds and social media links with manifestos, videos, crowd maps and other resources, and they linked together other sites to create a sprawling landscape of information. . But it was the Adbusters blog post that gave the action a name and date. It also gave them #occupywallstreet, the first of thousands of #Occupy hashtags that enabled the spontaneous assembly of strangers on Twitter and other internet platforms. Activity increased in September, and by the day of occupation, Twitter …show more content…

The rich still remains to possess wealth and power while the poor, even with all the effort and hard work still remains where they are. Some recent study stated that the widening economic gap occurring between the rich and the poor along with the involved power and wealth is due to the great recession. According to the data presented for the Distribution of Financial Wealth and Net Worth, the top 1% rose and added 8.5% on their level of income and power from 1982 to 2006. The bottom 80%, from having 48.1% level of income and power, it decreased to 40.1%. Considering the recession that was said to be the reason for the widening gap between the poor and rich, it seems that the ones more affected were the poor. The top 1%, although they are experiencing some changes due to recession, it still did not led them to experience what the remaining percentage of the population are enduring, and as what was shown, they just got wealthier throughout the past