Ocean Acidification Assignment

2070 Words9 Pages

Environmental Sciences
Assignment No. 01
Assignment Topic:
“Ocean Acidification”
Submission date:
Jan 31,2015.
Submitted by:
Mahneem Fazal
Submitted To:
Prof.Dr.Faiza Shareef


The stuffing of carbon dioxide in our earth’s environment is mirrored by an increase in the amount of carbonic acid present in the oceans .The sea water absorbs carbon dioxide, the reaction occur and the pH of the sea water decreases the carbonate ion concentration in the water and the saturation states of the biologically important calcium carbonate minerals also reduces. These reactions are named as ocean acidification .The ocean is found associated with the carbon cycle where the ocean acts as sink .It stores a large concentration …show more content…

Because of their smaller growth rate they are in a danger of being eaten by the larger animals. Due to higher acidic environment the sperms move slowly and in this way they could not easily find egg for fertilization and so their development is greatly affected.
• Squids are the invertebrates and they require a large amount of oxygen for swimming but the increased acidic concentration of the water got mixed in their blood and the acidity thus affects the oxygen level. As a result of which their population decreases. Squids are an important source of food for marine organisms.
• Some marine fishes are also in a quandary due to ocean acidification as their larvae cannot develop properly in higher acidic environment and even may not survive in such environment. Due to the greater acidic strength of the ocean water, more heat produced in the ocean. Both these factors combine to make the ocean environment unfavorable for the marine organisms. Experimental evidence suggests that if these trends continue, marine organisms such as corals and some plankton will face difficulty in maintaining their external calcium carbonate …show more content…

Usually human beings have always relied on the ocean 's resources for food, recreation, transportation and medicines. But the important thing is to help people realize how they are personally connected to the ocean, and then to be able to explain to them how that connection is being jeopardized by ocean acidification. One of the most obvious connections people have with the ocean is seafood. Most of the shellfish we eat are going to be negatively impacted by ocean acidification due to the fact that they will be unable to build

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