Octopus Stereotypes

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The octopus has captured the attention of the science world in the past few decades. These elusive sea-dwelling creatures mystify us with their behaviors that indicate intelligence. Researchers are perplexed by octopuses’ complex behaviors; octopus demand our ongoing attention because the more we look at them, the more questions we formulate. Octopus force us to question our definition of intelligence. They push us to realize that we might not be the only creatures that have the ability “to solve problems, make complex connections between ideas, and survive by wits alone.” (Octopus Deploy octopus.com The growing evidence for octopus intelligence.) Upon examining their lifestyle and behavior in both the wild and captivity, we have found …show more content…

However, cephalopods – octopuses, squids, and cuttlefish – have gangalias. Gangalias are clusters of nerve cells, condensed to form a centralized brain. (are o smart MIND). This central part lies behind the optic lobes. (Ceph Behavior.) The octopus brain fascinates researchers indirectly by holding the responsibility for the complex behaviors observed. But looking simply at the biology of the octopus brain, we acquire foundational information to advance thought and studies. Most invertebrates have “ladders” of knots of neurons connected by nerve fibers. Vertebrates typically have one big clump of neurons – the brain. Octopuses seem to overlap the organization typical to invertebrate and vertebrate brains. Containing the largest brains of any invertebrate, the common octopus brain contains about 500 million neurons. (the scientist) Compare that to the 100 billion neurons in a human brain. Regarding size, the typical octopus brain is as big as the brain of the clever, well-known African gray parrot, Alex. This parrot learned one hundred words and could also use them meaningfully. Two-fifths of the octopus’s neurons are found in its central location, around the esophagus and behind its eyes. Three-fifths of its neurons “are not in the brain; they’re in its arms.” Which appears to explain how the octopus makes such intricate moves with all of its eight arms so quickly and

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