Ode To The West Wind Analysis

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The poem, 'Ode to the West Wind ', by P. B. Shelley is as remarkable as the events discribed within the poem itself. This particular poem consists of a speaker, whom may very well be the poet in this instance, who requests certain things of the West Wind. His request is to be transformed and infused with the wind itself. To gain unmanageable power and to revitalise his own spirit. At first, the speaker asks the wind unfinished and unclear questions, he continues to request that the West wind listen to him, but he never does finish his thoughts exactly. Within the introductory section of the poem, the speaker calls to the wind and first describes the wind as the breath of autumn, which breathes over the lands and lifts the dead matter, beautiful or unsightly, to open a path for winter. The poet, Shelly, actually experienced this west wind during Autumn in italy and was inspired to write this beautiful poem. The autumn breath is described as a conjuror that is able to relieve this world of all the non-living elements the speaker explains as morbid and plague-ridden. Secondly, the speaker refers to the wind as a type of being that carries seeds or remnants of the element what is described as graves,which for the seeds are their beds. It is an interesting metaphor as the West wind is further decribed as an aid in revitalising life, here though the wind is referred to as a carrier that will move the remnants to their resting place, where in the new life, which would be