The Odyssey by Homer tells the story of Odysseus, a warrior who had been away from home for twenty years. The Odyssey details the challenges and obstacles that Odysseus faces, trying to get home after fighting in the Trojan War for ten years. Odysseus finally returns home, only to be obstructed by one last challenge. He is the model for an epic hero, which is a warrior that symbolizes the ideas of his people and culture. Though this idea comes from an ancient story, it is still relevant in modern popular culture. One example of a modern-day epic hero is Harry Potter. A hero created by J.K. Rowling for The Harry Potter series, Harry Potter clearly shares many characteristics with Odysseus. Odysseus is the model for the modern-day epic hero, Harry Potter, who, like Odysseus, owns a weapon that only he can use, has skills beyond ordinary humans, and faces supernatural villains. Both Odysseus and Harry have a weapon only they can use. For example, when the suitors are trying to use Odysseus’ bow, Eurymachus, a suitor, says, “[We are] children/ measured against Odysseus-we who cannot/ even hitch the strong …show more content…
For instance, after Odysseus gets Polyphemus drunk, he cunningly says, “My name is Nohbdy. Mother, father, and friends, /everyone calls me Nohbdy” (9. 274-275). Odysseus has the forethought to tell Polyphemus that his name is Nohbdy, so that no one comes to the Cyclops’ aid. If Odysseus had told Polyphemus his name, the other Cyclopes would have killed Odysseus and his men. Similarly, Harry is told he is a wizard, which means he has magic. He goes to Hogwarts to develop these abilities. At Hogwarts, Harry takes classes to learn spells and to control his magic. Only wizards can go to Hogwarts, since the rest of the people, called Muggles, are non-magical. Harry uses his magic to fight Voldemort and other creatures, as Odysseus uses his intelligence to survive against mighty