Odysseus And Telemachus Relationship

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Telemachus, Odysseus' son, lived hopelessly for the first twenty years of his life. During these years, Telemechaus lived in the shadow of his great warrior father. While waiting for his father's return, Telemachus was miserable and daydreamed of a life with Odysseus. Yet, the goddess Athena saw promise in him. Athena reminded Telemachus that he was the son of Odysseus and encouraged him to live his life to its fullest. Throughout the Odyssey, Telemachus's growth is heavily influenced by the people around him and his internal need to live up to his father. Due to inspiration from above and his long-missing father, Telemachus can emerge as a leader, journeying through his own Odyssey.
Growing up waiting for Telemachus' father, Odysseuss' return, …show more content…

Telemachus could not grow into this type of leader in his current mindset. Through Telemechus' relationship with Athena, the goddess of wisdom, Telemachus received the necessary boost of confidence which sparked his personal growth of making it his Odyssey. Athena told Telemachus that he "[had] to stop acting like a child [and had] outgrown [this immature behavior]" (1.313-314). Athena's wise words had a significant impact that set in motion Telemachus' journey to leadership. Telemachus was moved by what Athena said and realized that "[his] father is not coming home" (1.435). His environment and circumstances will not change sitting around waiting for Odysseus. Initially, Telemachus feared to "speak [his] mind" (1.170), but he took into account Athena's wise words, and he started to "ponder[ his own] journey" (1.470). Telemachus's dominant feelings started to spread, and he began to show off his power outside of his house, showing his pride in being the son of Odysseus. Telemachus was gaining confidence in himself and began to believe that "speaking is for men, all men, but for [him] especially" (1.378-379). Telemechas reflected on the journey Athena had sent him on and began to assert his dominance and demonstrate his power to the "men of Ithaca" (2.25) by holding the first "in council meeting since Odysseus left" (2.27). Still, growth is not linear, and there were often doubts …show more content…

After Odysseus returned, Telemachus grew even more as a person just by having his father home and by his side. His leadership skills improved when he could contribute to conversations and devise a plan to kill the suitors. Telemachus took control, and everything "[was] up to [him] and the gods" (17.653). Telemachus is so grown up that he can call out his parents and makes it clear to Penelope that he has the power of their home. Telemachus had the self-awareness to take control of his household. Telemachus was able to take ownership which he would never have done earlier on; he can speak up to his father "Hes innocent dont kill him." (22.380). By the end, Telemachus was living in his own shadow, not Odysseus. Telemecas was living on his journey, and Telemachus was finally his own