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Essay about odysseus
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Essay about odysseus
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Homer’s The Odyssey, translated by Robert Fitzgerald, contains a man named Odysseus whose story can relate to soldiers in today’s military, and how Odysseus has to persevere to get home. Odysseus is a loving husband who goes to fight in the Trojan War. His son, Telemachus, is born shortly before Odysseus has to leave for the war. The Trojan War is a long fight that lasts ten years.
The Odyssey Many people deem Odysseus to be an archetype hero. But was he really? Sure, he won many wars, but did he show the characteristics that matter? No!
People's view of things will always differ. From Ancient Greece to 20th century America, writers' opinions of Odysseus in The Odyssey have varied vastly. In Homer's The Odyssey, Odysseus is portrayed as the most heroic person in the book, yet in Dorothy Parker's poem "Penelope", which shares Penelope's perspective of Odysseus' journey, Parker approaches Penelope's exasperation with only Odysseus being entitled "brave". The attitude towards Odysseus in Homer's The Odyssey and Parker's "Penelope" is very different, and this is shown through the epithets and adverbs the poets use to describe Odysseus and his actions.
In part one of Homer’s Odyssey, Odysseus uses his epic hero qualities to help him out on his quest to get back home to Ithaca. He’s shows superb intelligence when fighting the cyclopes in “Book 9.” That’s a quality of superhuman intelligence that Odysseus possessed all throughout his entire journey. Another epic hero quality that helped Odysseus was help from Greek gods and goddesses. In part two of Homer’s Odyssey, Athena helped out Odysseus when he got back to his home land.
The natives there gave Odysseus and his men an intoxicating fruit of the lotus. After Odysseus and his men eat the fruit, they forget all of their thoughts about home and decide to eat more of the fruit. The only way that Odysseus can get him and his men back home is by dragging his men back to the ship and lock them up, Odysseus decides to go along with it. When Odysseus went back to Ithaca, He made the wise choice to go and see his wife Penelope. Odysseus was so brave to go see his wife because he didn’t know if she was going to recognize him at all or want to be with him for the rest of her life.
Epic poetry, known for its grand descriptions of glorious accomplishments, revolves around an honorable protagonist. As the hero faces adversity in his journey, he triumphs in fleeting moments of bravery. He often exhibits his physical strength to overcome his hardships, manifesting a story with a violent nature. In Homer’s The Odyssey, King Odysseus of Ithaca struggles to return to his loving wife and son after having fought in the Trojan War.
A hero is someone who is revered for his or her exceptional achievements and bravery. Anyone who puts themselves before others not for recognition or an award, but because it is the right thing to do, is a true hero. In "The Odyssey," written by Homer is an epic poem about a man named Odysseus and his crewmates competing against the power of the gods to return to their homeland, Ithaca. Throughout his journey, he loses almost all of his men, but Odysseus finally arrives home, concluding his prolonged twenty-year voyage. Odysseus must battle the suitors that have taken his wife Penelope, and may soon kill his son Telemachus.
Odysseus eventually learns that wisdom comes from long thought, suffering, and experience. As a result
For as long as Odysseus and his men could see in the distance, was miles upon miles of the vast ocean. The ocean was exceedingly immense and at the moment, at peace and mysterious. The waves were docile and relieving , and as the sun set the men were starting to be positive they would arrive to Ithaca in the near future considering the pace they were keeping now. Although the darkness of dusk was approaching at a rapid speed, and Odysseus kept silent as usual, but had a awful feeling something abominable was about to occur. When out of nowhere the sky opened up sending an terrifying bolt of lightning right through their ship.
Even though people typically believe that the main hero of Homer’s the Odyssey is Odysseus himself, the true hero of the Odyssey is Penelope. Even though her entire story isn’t told in the epic poem, you can still tell that she went through struggles and trials just as her husband Odysseus did. Along with going through trials, she comes up with witty ideas in order to overcome them. She is very clever, and she also plans long-term. She is loyal to Odysseus and faithfully waits for his return.
Homer begins the Odyssey invoking the Muse to tell what happened to Odysseus after destroy Troy. In an assembly of the Greek gods, Athena speaks in favor of Odysseus returning to his home, who has been on the island of the nymph Calipso for many years. Athena disguised as King Mentes descends to Ithaca to advise Telemachus, son of Ulysses, to go find your father. His house is full of his mother's suitors, Penelope, while a large group of suitors yearns to marry the queen.
Summary: When Odysseus arrives at the island of Aeolus, the king gives him the bag of winds to speed him home. Unfortunately, on the journey home, Odysseus falls asleep when they are close enough to see their homeland, and his greedy crew thinks that Aeolus gave Odysseus gold while they got none. As a result, they open up the bag of winds, which disperse and blow them off course, and they land of Aeolus’s island once again. This time, Aeolus convinces himself that the gods despise Odysseus and his men and refuses to help him, so Odysseus and his crew set sail again and land on the island of Laestrygonians. Expecting hospitality from the giants, Odysseus and company stride confidently onto the Laestrygonians’ land.
Following the exhilarating visit on the island of the Cyclops, Odysseus and his men continued on their journey back to Ithaca. Poseidon came to Odysseus in a dream and informed him, "You and your men will stumble upon the island Vulcano as you sail. On this island grows the Aiónios tree that will supply you and your men with an everlasting amount of the fruit, Durian. To find thetree, you must hike to the peak of the tallest mountain of Vulcano. With this tree, you and your crew will never starve again.
Odyssey one= In the story Odyssey the main character is Odysseus whom, in the begin of the story goes into a big battle with his army which took 5 years to finish, and when they won the long war they started to return to their homeland. But on the way to his homeland, Odysseus and his People went on an island and when Odysseus and his people went onto this island which was full of Cyclops. Cyclops are creatures that have one eye and are large in size also, But Odysseus didn’t know until him and his men went into a cave that was Polyphemus’s cave a, Cyclops, that owned that cave that they were in taking shelter in.
Its point passed through his tender neck.” This quote clearly supported the revenge and justice Odysseus was seeking on the suitors. It shows the how brutal Odysseus was and just how