Odysseus's Adventure Research Paper

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Odysseus's Adventure
Odysseus is a wise and noble hero in “The Odyssey”. The hero ,Odysseus, was not always such an epic hero, but instead grew into one throughout his adventure to Troy and back to his home land Ithaca. He faced monsters that scared and lured him causing him to learn how to be a better person and an epic hero. When Odysseus did return back to Ithaca he was graced by a goddess, Athena, and had her on his side when he fought the suitors Odysseus learned throughout his adventure, from Troy to Ithaca, on how to be the best hero, an epic hero.
When Odysseus first was coming back he traveled to the land of the lotus his men were influenced not to leave, but Odysseus did not leave them behind. “Then I sent out two picked men and a runner to learn what race the land sustained”(Homer 92-93). Odysseus only sent two men which was a …show more content…

Odysseus tells his men about the sirens and how to ignore their luring music to death (Homer 686-698). This shows Odysseus’s loyalty to his men and how he is not going to keep important secrets to his men unless it is necessary. “I carved a massive cake of beeswax into bits and rolled them in my hands until they softened no long task, from a burning heat came down from Helios, lord of high noon”(Homer 708-711). Odysseus took his time carving wax for his men's ears to not hear the sirens which was very generous of him, for Odysseus could have made his men make the wax earplugs themselves and if they messed up they would be in a trance like Odysseus. When Odysseus’s men tied him to the mass and told men to muffle him when he talks which shows true commitment to his men, and his men do so which shows his men are loyal to Odysseus to. Odysseus shows true commitment to his men when he made wax ear plugs and his men tying himself to a pole listening to the sirens, and his men are still loyal to Odysseus for they do what he