Oedipus was a member of a higher ruling class that tell us about tragic hero the truth behind his birth destroyed him. An old man was brought before Oedipus the king for questioning and the truth was told. When Oedipus was the only child in his family he was sent away from his family because oracle told a prophecy that Oedipus was going to kill his father and marry his mother. When the old man was questioned the old man was not aware that the baby boy who he took care off was Oedipus who was sent away from his house and received him from Laius who was the former king of Thebes now it is known that Oedipus is from a royal family. Oedipus is separated from all the other common people because of his royalty and his terrible future and because Oedipus is from a royal family and he is a natural born leader and has a higher status than other common people that makes him special and that gives him heights powers and his terrible future keeps him completely apart from others. …show more content…
Oedipus future combines several factors he tries to change his own future that was given to him by the oracle he tries to spate himself from his parents but somehow that does nothing for him. His future gets affected by an outsider when the old man saved his life. The other thing that effected Oedipus future was the will from gods because they gave him the prophecies at