Oedipus Rex Group Analysis

395 Words2 Pages
Within our version of Oedipus Rex, our group distributed the responsibilities of Exodus part two. Each group member: Hannah Brine, Savannah Buhman, Vivian Bui, Vikki Nguyen and myself (Chad Nakagawa) each contributed in our own way. The way that I contributed to the Oedipus Rex group was by setting up and hosting two out of the three meetings, prop creator/director, camera person, editor, played the character Creon, and the summary in the presentation. Once I was able to accommodate all my group’s schedules, I planned out what was to be accomplished at every meeting in the 5-6 hour time span that I was given. I planned out the prop list prior to this meeting so that my parents could drive us most efficiently to each location. When everyone

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